About Me

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Resourceful, personable and dedicated progressive advocate adept at skillfully using privileges to make space for marginalized groups. Established organizer renowned for distinguished performance as an employee, volunteer, activist and consultant. Ability to leverage engaging communication skills to build lasting relationships with community partners, fostering growth and strengthening an organization’s reputation. Natural relationship-builder recognized for effective leadership across diverse communities, serving gracefully under pressure in complex circumstances. Jackie L. Craig, M.S. Ed. - Counselor Education

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mine and Ours – The Kitchen

As I loaded the dishwasher three times this weekend I was thinking about why I am the only person in my family who knows how to load it. I had to step back and take a look at the situation and myself. Guess what I discovered (and it’s not the first time I have noticed this about myself)? I’ve been causing the issue due to the “mom’s kitchen” vibes I’ve been sending out for the past seven years.

This got me thinking about how I could turn it around and save my children from being clueless in the kitchen as adults:
  • I need to be more flexible and let my family members figure out ways to contribute without hovering and nagging.
    • Who cares if the plates are in the dishwasher a different way than I want them? (Me, but I am working to remedy that.)
  • I am doing my best to use “us language” instead of making possessive statements about areas of our home. 
    • For example, “Get out of my kitchen while the oven is open.” could be “Please leave the kitchen while the oven is open because it is very hot and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
  • Starting with small tasks is helpful. Letting my family help with table setting and dinner prep, not to mention cleanup is good bonding time (as long as I can refrain from bossing them around).

Simply put, I need to be less possessive about the kitchen space in our home to allow my family to grow. What areas of your home are you possessive with and is there anything you’d like to change about that?

Peace to you and yours - Jackie