Season’s greetings from mild-weathered Minneapolis, which seems to be the only place in the U.S. where climate change is producing LESS volatile weather patterns. We were blessed with another mild summer and a long, pleasant autumn. We will see if the pattern continues in 2016.
Our 2015 had a somber beginning with the January passing of James’ Grampa Orwig. He was an ever-flowing river of physical, moral, and intellectual vitality, and we were blessed to have been able to enjoy some of his 95 years with him. His passing came months after his 2nd daughter Elizabeth concluded her long battle with MS. Grampa’s memorial service in June in Kentucky was a wonderful opportunity for the extended family to gather, celebrate, support, and grow together again.
Our summer was marked with multiple adventures. In Kentucky we hiked Indian Fort Mountain with family, then hiked 9 subterranean miles in Mammoth Cave National Park. We enjoyed great weather for our week in Michigan, but our BIG adventure was driving to Maine to explore Acadia National Park for two days with Kurt, Catherine, and Rachel Schmidt. The long drive east included passing through Toronto and more significant stops in Montreal and Quebec City. Acadia was an understated delight, seeing the sights, climbing the granite, tasting the treats, and communing with the Schmidts. The route home included rural roads in New Hampshire, watching the Perseid Meteor Shower in Killington, VT, and visiting Joanna, Michael, and Sophia Daeschner in Rochester, NY. If the climax of the return voyage was our visit to Niagara Falls, then the denouement was the night at the waterpark in Ohio. The 11-day odyssey marked the first time any of us had driven from our home to one of the coasts, and it was a powerful experience to stand atop Cadillac Mountain, surveying the Atlantic, before pointing our vehicle West for the voyage home.
Second-grader Preston has been flexing his academic and athletic muscles, showing an aptitude for learning in both arenas. His league sports are baseball, soccer, and (for the first time) basketball, with skiing, golf, and tennis filling spare time. His reading level has been impressive this year, as has his growth as a swimmer (special thanks to Grandad, Cousin Neil and the hotel pool in Kentucky!).
James turned 40 and was talked into playing in several soccer matches with old teammates despite retiring from the game 5 years ago. It was fun, but his body didn’t seem to enjoy the experience as much as he did. He reveled in the family summer adventures before experiencing some professional upheaval as Ecolab cut back on innovation plans. While his period as a free agent has been a period of intense learning, networking, and exploration, even the luster of less-frequent face-shaving is wearing off. With a job offer on the table at the time of this writing, James is confident he’ll be sinking his teeth into new professional challenges soon. He’ll also be finalizing our plans for a trip to the Grand Canyon this summer!
We wish you a joyous holiday season and a 2016 full of faith, wonder, and contentment.